is there anyway to mount a gpu horizontally? maybe some sort of pcie female to pcie male connector and use that to connect it to the pcie slot and then figure out how to set it up horizontally.
It is already slotted horizontally.
no, from the motherboards perspective. if you set a motherboard on a flat service its vertical, not horizontal.
There is, but i don't understand why you would want to do that. the only cases that have that "horizontal" mounting you are looking for are small Mini-ITX cases. they make the case thinner by giving you a PCI-E extender, so it can be mounted on it's side.
There is only a few companies that have that type of mounting on their cases, it's basically Lian-Li and Silverstone. also Silverstone is the only company that makes cases that have a few motherboard mounting layouts that have a 90 degree turn from a standard motherboard mounting layout.
its for a tool case pc mod, ive gotten around to finally making the ''blue prints'' for it and ive concluded that i need to mount my gpus horizontally.
im going with blower fan gpus so no need for me to worry about the blades hitting anything.
Well you could purchase of these extension cables: LINK
but you are going to have to cut out your own brackets to hold the GPU in place.
Not the prettiest of things but I suppose they work well, these things came in mass quantities when coin miners were rampant.
youre definitely right about them looking ugly, but maybe i can do something about that.
can you guys give me feedback on this.
so i think i found a case for a pc inside a suitcase build, im gonna need some tools to do some cutting and im gonna need the backplate of a normal pc case where you mount the motherboard and what not but i think it can work. i did the measurements and the parts should fit, heres the case
edit-does anybody know of an extremely cheap itx pc case with great cable management where i can get the plate to mount the motherboard. the motherboard will be full atx since i have enough room in the case but will i be able to mount the motherboard on the plate even if its from an itx case.