Hey all I'm building a pc and I ordered a mobo
The asus M5A78 usb3
The problem is, it's an atx board and Iv got a micro atx case. I'm gona get a new case but Iv gota wait for that so I am asking if it's ok to keep the motherboard outside the cabinet but connected to the parts, like on a cardboard or paper or something?
Yes thats fine
Hey thanks for replying. So there wont be any complications? Like the points on the bottom touching and getting bent? I will prolly add a softy cardboard but are there ANY complications?
dust, exposure to the elements, like the spit when you talk.
i ran a motherboard siting on top of a box for 6 weeks once just keep it away from pets and children if you still whant to use it antill your case arrives
Ok. Btw any way to boot the pc without a button?
I just use a screwdriver and touch the 2 pins to boot a mobo or you can pull the case switch out of your case and use that
Ok. I can fit any mobo cause the hard disk and ssd enclosure comes of and that leaves a lot of space, but I'm worried about the mounting holes.
U think I can put the HDD into the Hp pocket media or the dvd drive? I'm not using the pocket media drive and the dvd drive is empty
You cant fit a ATX in a M-ATX case just wait for your new case bro... patience is a virtue
Ok... Anyway. I'm getting either the tesseract case or the zebronics 126b and use the extra money to get sone deep cool fans. Is that okay? Cause with the zebronics option Iv got about 3 high quality fans. I don't care about the brand or quality of the case cause I don't rough use it. I don't need usb 3 cause I don't have any headers. So how about the zebronics option?
And do cases bottleneck.
I have no idea what those case's are tbh
Honestly I'd return your ATX Motherboard and get a Micro-ATX motherboard. Easier that way.
There are no good matx mobo's for the AM3+ platform
Yeah. I heard that the bigger the boards the better. Is that correct?
not necessarily its just that Mirco ATX mobo's for AM3+ have poor power phases.
No but even thinking practically with the same chipsets the heat distribution would be better on a bigger board? And with bigger boards most obviously come more ports but also more expensive. This lga 1150 board of msi I saw, had sata 6gbps, usb 3, and a whole lot of features but it was miniatx for about 70$.
And for 20$ more i get sata 3GBs, usb 3 only on the back and a hit less of features. And yeah I know that asus and msi have no comparison but still.