Motherboard questions

Hey guys, i'm trying to figure out what is the best motherboard for an amd fx-8350. It'll be mostly for gaming and media. Im not really looking to overclock or anything like that. I just need a solid board with quality components.


I would say Gigabyte or ASRock.

I have only heard people complain about that gigabyte board. for the same price the Asus m5a99fx pro R2.0 is much better.

Eh, they bolth look fine to me.

I've heard good things about that, and it's the one I picked for my upcoming FX8350 build. So, I second it. For now.

  1. Asus Crosshair V Formula Z
  2. Asus Sabertooth 990FX gen 3
  3. Asus Sabertooth 990Fx R2.0
  4. Asrock 990FX Extreme 9
  5. Asus M5A99FX pro R2.0

My list of boards that i personaly recommend for the FX8350.

Grtz Angel ☺