I'm going to build a new PC for gaming using the AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHZ. I need some help picking out a motherboard that isn't too expensive but will run great with the FX-8350.
CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284
I'm going to build a new PC for gaming using the AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHZ. I need some help picking out a motherboard that isn't too expensive but will run great with the FX-8350.
CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284
i will personally reccomend the sabertooth from asus yes its not the cheepest but it is the best warranty i have found and it has a soild overclock potental. you can go with an ASrock board and have nearly the same quality. some boards are cheeper but limit your setup options with sata ports or pci lanes. if you had a high budget i would reccomend the crosshair v forumla non z . the z's need to have revisions made to them quailty control and so on isnt the best with them yet. no matter which mobo you choose great cpu choice and i hope your build goes well. on a side note dont pick your ram out untill you look at the vender list of supported memory for the board that you pick.
Im going to say get the asus sabertooth its a good looking bored and i have not had a single problem with it and ive had it for about 3 months now also overclocking on this bored is verry easy.
If you wont be overclocking much, go with the Asrock 990FX Extreme 3
Only £85 and has 16x 16x 4x for crossfire
I have had success with Gigabyte boards so here are a couple to look into.
Thanks for responding. Where can I find the vender list for the motherboard?
what is the price range?
Nothing that will break the bank. No more then 150$
this is a 990fx board so you get all the features and its nice for overclocking. the difference between getting a more expensive 990fx board is little to none. so this will get the best out of the 8350 and its under $150
Then I'd have to recommend the Gigabyte GA-990FX UD3. It's baseline around $140~ give or take a few bucks. Its one of the least expensive rock-solid 990FX chipset motherboard you'll find. It has loads of nice features as well with the audio and its flat black so it matches everything. Enough power to overclock an 8-core to the moon too.
i am using this motherboard
its an ok motherboard
if u wanna use it without overclocking
but if u wanna overclock dont pick it
it sucks at that