EDIT: I've messed with the side panel, taking it on and off, must've adjusted something, the beeping stayed off for about 30 minutes before it resumed. This whole issue is quite confusing, it beeps consistently only when the side panel is on.
So I just switched from a FX-8350 to a i5-4690k. I got the gigabyte Z97-x Gaming 3 motherboard. It boots, it overclocks, I'm able to game. Temps are normal. Everything seems great. Ever since I started using it this morning though, the motherboard keeps beeping in a pattern of 4 beeps seperated by pauses. Sometimes 3 sets of beeps, sometimes 4, sometimes 5.
To clarify, even though it has been beeping, it still is able to boot into windows and be fully functional.
After some further testing, I'm noticing the motherboard only beeps when the case side panel is on. Any ideas?
I checked that page already, the beeps I'm getting don't really match any exactly. Maybe the 4 beep? But I'm usually getting 12+ beeps, just in sets of 4 rapid ones.
This is going to sound crazy, but I just took the side panel off and it stopped. I never had to the side panel on last night, which was when I first assembled and was testing it. I was only getting beeping with the case panel on. What about the case side panel could be doing this?
Now I just want to clarify, even while it is beeping, it is booted into windows and I'm still able to do all the functions of the PC.
Nothing about beep codes in the manual, checked the gigabyte website as well as others. Haven't found a code to match what I'm getting with is 4-4-4-4-4.
The other odd thing that I'm noticing is that the beeping stops when I remove the side panel. Any ideas?
Tried to put the side panel back on. Before i could even finish putting in the thumb screws it was beeping again. No beeps without side panel for about 30 minutes. It has something to do with the side panel.
Nope, its an AIO. I've messed with the side panel, taking it on and off, must've adjusted something, the beeping has since stopped. I'm still stumped by the issue, but it seems resolved.
It might be a RAM issue, but why would the beeping only come on when the side panel is on? I'm probably going to reseat the RAM tonight after I get off work, but it just seems so weird.