Motherboard and CPU swap in FreeNAS box?

I have a HP N40L Micro Server running FreeNAS right now, with 4 drives installed. Basically I will be building a new NAS box and want to put these drives, while retaining the data on them, in the new NAS box.

I know it's not as easy as just installing the drives and booting from the same USB stick. So how will I do this?

I thought about moving all the files off the drives, installing them in the new 'box, and moving all the files back. But surely there is a way to migrate those drives to a new NAS box? After all... to the USB boot stick this is only a motherboard and CPU change, The drives and data is the same.

Any help appreciated.

Yes this can be easily done. ZFS systems are not picky.

See the "Detach Volume" segment.

Do that and then on the new system you can just import it.

If you are transplanting the USB stick as well, you may not need to do this but I would advise it.

Awesome! Thanks for your help