I have difficulties on deciding which GTX-970 to get.
For me lower noise is more important than higher performance.
I would like to avoid coil whine (I know it's a lottery) and loud fans.
Which card is my best bet?
I have difficulties on deciding which GTX-970 to get.
For me lower noise is more important than higher performance.
I would like to avoid coil whine (I know it's a lottery) and loud fans.
Which card is my best bet?
I have the EVGA SC and it is SILENT even when the fans are on still like a 20-30 dB wiper quiet
The ASUS ones are just as quiet and something to keep in mind the 900 series card's fans don't turn on until they hit I think 64.9 degrees C, somewhere in the 60's so already no sound until that threshold
Also coil wine is a major gamble, it has to do with over working your gpu/what kind of load its under, the type of power supply you have, so really the stars have to align in your favor to not get coil whine
Although there are mods to lessen coil whine but most of them are very risky (Example: one way of eliminating it would be putting hot glue over the coil itself) very easy way to break your system if done the wrong way
The ultimate would be water cooling. But all (or at least the vast majority) 970s don't spin will 60 as stated above.
On the coil whine, it is usually not an issue but some have it, the only effort I have seen to eliminate it is on a reference card made for a UK shop. So blower cool which is louder but zero coil whine.
Aslo this one named SILENT. but again only UK. https://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-010-GX
Here are some really cool deals if you're buying from New Egg
Kinda jelly that EVGA SC 970 comes with two games and a back plate...
I have the evga 980 sc and even at full load coin mineing i cant hear it running. the acx 2.0 is extremely silent..
I'm from Europe,
but I dont' know, if ordering from the UK is worth the hassle.
RMAing something might become a problem.
Should I go for a 2 or 3 fan card?
Bigger cooler, maybe less spinning up of the fans,
but more fans -> louder???
I have a Define R4, so plenty of room.
All in all, I#m kind of drawn towards the Asus Strix
using an EK FC-670 waterblock http://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-fc670-gtx.html
on my Gtx970 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487070
but the coil wine starts at anywhere NEAR 50% load
completely pisses me off
but then again, i mostly play underclocked to all hell anyways
old games like dishonored will run 60fps vsync evven with the gpu UNDERCLOCKED -1000mhz
The evga cards with the acx 2.0 cooler are very quiet
The asus strix cards are also a good option.
But if you want silence why not...
I can tell you that as long as you are happy with the postage OcUK have great RMA and customer service, I have had to RAM a card before, no issues just sent a new one after I did a few of my own tests and told them the result. They had it out in 2 days.
I've had the EVGA SC, MSI Gaming, and Gigabyte G1 cards, the G1 is the quiestest at 100% followed by the MSI then EVGA.
I have the ASUS STRIX GTX970 and the fans are really quiet, the best thing is that the fans don't turn on until the GPU is around 60 degrees celcius. Some other graphic cards also have this feature but I don't know which ones exactly.
EVGA all the way, +1.
I went with the Strix.
Now my harddrives are the loudest part in my system.
One other thing:
Where would be a good place to trade the keys from the game bundle?
Go to https://redeem.geforce.com/en-us and enter the code you received via e-mail (:
I'm unsure if that's what your asking if not and your asking where to use the keys then gog should be the safest
seems like he's trying to get rid of them
Yes, exactly.
Saw this earlier today. Think it might help you out.
Agreed. I have the MSI in SLI. The ONLY time I hear it is when fans are at max.
Oh getting rid of them. Either the Buy Sell Trade forum here or if you just want to give them away just post up over on the games forums.