who can make the most expencive i wish i chould buy it rig ever
my personal best
it must be all parts that will fit
$55971.98 is the price to beat
who can make the most expencive i wish i chould buy it rig ever
my personal best
it must be all parts that will fit
$55971.98 is the price to beat
well anything whit intel and nvidea lol
Go to apple.com and make a macpro... easily surpass 9k
Oh wait I read your number wrong! yeah you totally beat me lol
Only 8gb of RAM????
At least put in like 64...
I don't get it, how can we make it more espensive when you just sorted the list by price and clicked on the max?
Using PC Part Picker, that price is unbeatable unless we buy 28786476587675908 litres of thermal paste just for the lolz.
22gb of ram
no idea :( i was just hopeing someone knew of a more expencive build
I am toast and I approve this message.
I'll wait for the price drop
>:D "evil laugh"
You all think so small...
If they had xeons on part picker... oh boy.
I was slappin' something together to beat that and I find myself 3 1/2 hours later looking up custom mods and etc. You sir are evil, I got to get to bed lmao.
Get a noob to build it and they will use 28786476587675908 litres of thermal paste :D
Once the GTX Titans arrive, have 3 of those in tri-SLI would set you back just $3 shy of $3000. I wouldn't bother Quad-SLI though since you may get negative performance gains.