This has to be the most epic song for headphones. SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
Ludovico Eianaudi - DNA
I like headphones for two types of tracks.
The ones that use subtle stereo effects, like tracks from the good old days when stereo was still new and exiting everybody just had to use it like Deep Purple - Burn or Rodriguez - Rich Folks Hoax. Newer music with these qualities is for instance Lorn - 'Diamond' (BTW you can't hear Lorn without giving Lorn - 555-5555 a listen).
The other category is tracks where you for some reason want to get really close to the artist, where the track invites to immersion and melancholy, which just happens to be my preference, but do you follow my thinking?. Like Victor Démé - Djon Maya , or Ulf Lundell - Fullt Ut (which is not on youtube unfortunately), or my all time favourite Sort Sol - Let Your Fingers Do the Walking