Most Epic Carved Pumpkin Ever (RTW Pumpkin)

Thanks to Andy for sending this over. 

nice.. RTW pumpkin.. nice indeed.. 


Bias much >.>

I actually, thought of that myself. But decided it would be better if I got permission. Cause honestly, it's not my logo. so Logan, you have an issue with me doing that to a pumpkin this year?


Thanks Logan :> It was either that or your face, but, that might have been too forward..


I would actually love to see a Logan pumpkin...

BTW, awesome carving there!

awesome ;] 

Logan do you mind if i get a decal made of the RTW symbol? i want to put one on the side of my computer.

Why would they mind? :o

i dunno some people are weird about their logos and things...

This is awesome!

Pretty epic!

looks really cool!

Thanks guys!