Morrowind remake

Hi! I am part of a team that are well on their way to remake Morrowind in the Skyrim engine. We just released a Dev update video so if you are interested in the project in any way, there is a link at the bottom of the post.

We need all the help we can get! watch the video and then follow appropriate links if you feel like contributing!

Thanks :D

(I am Langotriel on the skywind forum as well)

Awesome man! Good to have you on the site. Morrowind is one of my favorite games of all time. I do prefer the combat of Skyrim (modded) so I'll be playing and streaming this when it is ready. Will this game support any of the Skyrim mods for textures, lighting, weather, etc.?

It should support simple graphical mods. ENBs, lighting mods and things of that nature should work from the get go. Other mods might need some patching to work. Hey Logan, it would be great if you could announce this project in a video or something! I am sure a lot of people are interested but not everyone browses the forums religiously :P Make a mention and link the developer update in the description or something. 

Personally I am in charge of quality control for voice acting and what has been done until now has been pretty bad (joined a few months ago). We are going through the process of completely overhauling the voice acting department and are re-recording the voice acting that has been done. We could use voice actors, writers and people that are able to help organize files and such. The more traffic, the better! I would be willing to speak on behalf of the community about the project in a video if that is an option. 

This Looks more promising than Elder Scrolls Online. Can't Wait.

I'm looking forwards to this.

I'm always happy to hear of updates from you guys! It's also nice to know that there is some modding support already. 

Dude I am drooling severely bad right now. When can we expect a 'beta' or early access option? Or are you going to stray from that?

Awesome, I never had the chance to play morrowind. I hope this can be a good first time.

I think the hope is to have a playable version towards the end of this year, beginning of next.

Finally an end to getting scolded for never playing morrowind. Yay !

Guys! If you could endorse it on here to help us get some more attention, that would be a great help!

This looks interesting, I'm definitely going to pick up Morrowind to try this out.


This will be awesome if it is done right. And from your answer to Logan's question, it sounds it will be. Can't wait!