More keyboard troubles

This pains me ts type sn a QWERTY laptop, but my keyboard has royally fucked itself again. It is detected, but won't functon at a BIOS level, not just in Arch or Windows.

My keyboard, a Rosewill 9000, is a fantastic product. I can't find anyone else with my keyboard having the same problem.

For the past 2 months, or so, when I accidentally unplug the USBcable, or just slighty move it out of socket, my keyboard shuts down. It is detected when I plug it back up, butwill not, well, ype.

In thepast, I havd fixed this by clearing CMOS, discharging my PSU, unplugging it, and waiting about 10 minutes for my board to discharge all residual electricity, then booting backup. I am trying that again, but the past 14 hours, it hasn't worked.

Before you ask, yes, USB initialization is at full initial, USB sleep states are off, and such.

Anyone have similar issues?

Make sure you have PnP enabled in bios along with support USB keyboard. 

Also heard that these boards are notorius for bad USB connections, there are some guides out there to hardwire the USB cable to the keyboard but obv its a choice youd need to make.

Some pics and info on how to do it if you wanted too. (RK 9000)