Just like to share some alpha footage of Mordhau, an upcoming melee slasher in the vein of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
I first heard about Chivalry from @Logan. I picked it up, and haven’t put it down since. Hopefully by posting this here I can repay the favour, and help spread the word.
The game should be entering beta soon. Full release should be near end of year.
Would like to hear what you guys think. Plus if anyone has any questions, post them below and I will try my best to answer.
Is there bash / pommel? That was my first annoyance with Chivalry
Also as feedback to that video, all characters are just walking around which makes things odd, and players cant get out of the way ofc How would you fix that? Double tap lunge, no cooldown Result: lunge forward & stab would be possible, and so would be enemy sidestep
Regarding bash/pommel. Yes, there is a kick that can stun your opponent. Kicks are mostly used to counter face-hugging, feint spam, shields, and also finishing off opponents. A kick can also be countered by a kick. The range of the kick is quite short. If you miss, you leave yourself vulnerable. Kicks also cost a significant amount of stamina.
On character movement. There is walk, run, jump, crouch, and torso manipulation. In Chivalry, there is a dodge, but only for the man-at-arms class. However it allowed players to simply evade danger too easily. If you gain the initiative over your opponent (e.g. they fall for a feint), in most cases they should not simply be able to dodge or run/jump away virtually unpunished.
I hope that answered your questions somewhat. If not, please elaborate. Or, feel free to ask any other questions.