Monitoring/benchmarking software

hi everybody, I finally build my PC and now I'd like to install some monitoring and benchmarking software to what my pc's guts are up to. right now i'm think about CPU-Z, coretemp, superpie. are they reliable and what else would you suggest? thank you very much in advance and please excuse me for any possible typo, this acer ps/2 keyboard REALLY sucks.

You could try:

  • AIDA64 (complete set of tools to benchmark, overclock, monitor, fine-tune, and troubleshoot Windows based computers)
  • Cinebench (CPU & GPU OpenGL benchmarking)
  • LinX (CPU benchmarking & stability test)
  • Prime95 (CPU benchmarking & stability test)
  • AS SSD Benchmark (SSD benchmarking)
  • ATTO Disk Benchmark (HDD benchmarking)
  • HD Tune (HDD benchmarking)
  • Heaven Benchmark (GPU benchmarking)
  • 3DMark 11 (GPU benchmarking)
  • GPU-Z (GPU info)
  • RealTemp (temperature monitoring for all Intel processors)
  • ...

FurMark and Prime95 to make sure its all connected up right and cooling good/stable. They wont tell you How good they are but it will tell you that they aint overheating/unstable.