Monitor Screen Res

I have changed my monitors screen resolution of 1440p to 1080p within the windows screen resolution setting. Is this going to be somewhat of a problem? my reason for it is to make gaming run smoother. Are there other ways to go about this? i was actually contemplating purchasing a 1080p monitor and just packing up my 1440p.

All of your programs will end up blurry & small text might end up being hard to read.

Why not just change the resolution in-game? This way you can also control the resolution on a per-game basis, leaving it high for less demanding games.

(Also, if you've actually changed your display's native resolution: Good lord, you must be good with electronics :smiley:)

sorry i meant Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display\Screen Resolution

Yah I know. But my point stands. Why not change the resolution in-game?

i thought.. well i thought doing it in-game makes 1080p overlay on top of 1440p or something weird like that .

As long as the game runs in full-screen mode changing its resolution is the same as changing it directly in windows. A few games even support only switching the "3D" resolution. This will make the game render everything in low-res while retaining a sharp, high-resolution UI.
If you are concerned about performance you can always just give things a try.

In any case, I personally like to keep the game in full resolution and turn down other settings instead, just because all of the blurry stuff (particularly the UI) just looks terrible. But that's just preference.

haha i noticed the same exact thing you're not alone on that 1