Monitor loses signal when toggling HDR in Windows 10

I recently purchased the Viewsonic Elite XG320U it is a 4K 144hz IPS panel certified for HDR 600. I am using a 6900XT for the graphics card. I am getting complete signal loss from the monitor about 50% of the time if I enable HDR or turn the pc on with it already enabled. I will get the Viewsonic splash screen and while booting into windows it goes black and I have to restart the pc. I have uninstalled the Radeon drivers using DDU and it still happens. Any help would be awesome!

Cable signal integrity gets finicky at those resolutions if you’re using low quality cables. @wendell did a video a couple months ago covering this very issue. I’m not saying that is definitionally the problem but it’s probably a good (and cheap) place to start with troubleshooting.

Thanks for the info and the video link. I had watched that previously and made sure to purchase quality club 3D DP 1.4 cables. I forgot to mention prior I was using HDMI 2.1 hoping to not have to rely on display stream compression and achieve at least 10 bit color. I purchased what I thought was a quality HDMI 2.1 cable from amazon. Does anyone have any recommendations on a good HDMI 2.1 cable to try out?

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