Monitor Choice IPS vs TN

Hey guys,


I'm having trouble choosing between monitors, I am looking for good colours and a fast monitor for gaming. I'm in Australia and have found two options that look good but I can't decide. Please leave comment on whay you think I should go, Links are below.






Mhm not usre, in general I would assume IPS is better. Check and see if that is the Benq panel linus reviewed recently, the one he did was horrible. Actually check the delta E of the monitors on a review site like TFT central if they have those models. That will tell you how accurate they are. I would be skeptical of the benq based on the review of the monitor linus recently did (although that is not necessarily this monitor, but you should check to make sure it isn't).

TN is only worth it for 120/144 Hz monitors if you're doing MLG twitch shooter competitions and have the graphics card to back it up, or if you're into 3D and have the graphics card and peripherals to back it up.

Any standard IPS panel will be more than fast enough, 60 Hz digital, 75 Hz analogue refresh rates.

The refresh rate only goes so far in supporting the gaming experience. It's not because pixels on the screen get a refresh 120 or 144 times per second, that they're able to show a completely new colour and intensity at the same rate, because of reminiscence and stuff. TN panels already have less contrast, if you drive them very fast, this causes a kind of blur, that visibly further reduces the contrast.

Basically, if you want a good image, go IPS or VA, if you want your video to look like crap because that gives you a competitive edge (which it may well do, if you're AWPing mid in dust2 all the time and really need to win those challenges, it helps to have a monitor that will take basically 2 ms less time to render the pixels of the peeking head of the opponent, that 2 ms headstart will give you the decisive competitive edge), go fo high refresh rate TN.

Standard refresh rate TN panels are just a thing of the past, not worth even looking at.

Hey thanks for the advice Zoltan, both monitors are 60 hz, I have heard that the IPS is the way to go, the IPS monitor has a 5ms response time. I mostly play single playergames, lol and war thunder. I am looking for a monitor that has awesome colours and is fairly responsive and fast.

The response time rating manufacturers give don't mean much. It's a grey-to-grey measurement, which means 21% pixel blackout basically, which isn't very much. If 5 ms would be the real response time, the refresh rate would be 200 Hz (0.005 s= 1/200 s= 200 x 1/s= 200 Hz). The screen is however only capable of much less refreshes per second than the response time indicates, and if it were able of 200 refreshes per second, you would probably have to guess the image, because every part of the screen with movement would just look uniform grey.

Some "gaming" monitors that are held in very high regard by people involved with gamer marketing, have auto-interlacing features, that only render every other line so that the image looks clearer when the monitor is refreshing at 120 Hz. That means that basically only part of the pixels that you really want to see as fast a possible, are rendered immediately, and the rest in the next cycle, which reduces the advantage of the higher refresh rate. In 3D applications, this also reduces the 3D effect, which is based on alternating left-right occlusion. So it's definitely true that if you want a faster monitor for the competitive advantage, you have to live with the most shitty looking video, there just is no other way, anything you do to improve the image quality, costs speed.

A full pixel refresh, not just grey-to-grey, because of reminiscence, takes much much longer than 5 ms on a monitor rated for 5 ms response time. That is also normal. On old CRT monitors, the reminiscence would be sometimes several seconds even (the monochrome IBM monitors of the 80's were notorious for their reminiscence, yet they were preferred over the colour monitors with much lower reminiscence, because of the higher resolution, as colour monitors had really low resolution and nothing much could fit on the screen), so digital flatpanels aren't all that shabby when it comes to refresh.

I really like AH-IPS panels from LG, whatever brand of monitor they're used in. They look really good, even with disabled dynamic contrast, and they perform exactly like one would expect in terms of latency and reminiscence, that is, 99 % of what is technically possible. If you want more than that, it becomes really really expensive for only a little gain in performance. Most LG panel equipped monitors have a built-in low latency setting for gaming that can be enabled through the menu. That works pretty well.

Thanks for the great response Zoltan

So you would recommend the LG IPS monitor over the BenQ TN monitor ?, as I am just looking for a great monitor that delivers a good gaming experience with great colours and good black levels. 



IPS is prettier than TN. Generally speaking.