I have had $20 in my Steam wallet for quite some time. There are far too many games on Steam for me to ever see them all. Currently, the only games that interest me I either already have or aren't released yet. Anyone have any game suggestions? It can be for games more than $20. Also, here's an image of my library list so you can see what games I already own:
I don't see a 'Fallout 3' anywhere in there. Or have you already played through it?
skyrim i have it on pc and playstation 3 its amazing on pc its litterally the god of games or you could just be a chap and gift me a game but whatevers cool with you
+1 for Fallout. Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas are, by far, some of my favorite games of the 21st Century. Geometry Wars, though, is insanely addictive.
ohh you do have skyrim i suggest you get shit you litterraly have every good game know to man crysis 3 maybe or simcity or battlefield 3 but you probably own all those on origin already
Ahh, you have exactly enough to buy F3 GOTY. I'd say Buy that if you haven't already played through Fallout 3, that's got to be my favorite game ever.
Played through Fallout 3
the Ys games are pretty neato
brutal legend is pretty rad as well
and another great clasic from doublefine would be psychonauts
didn't see bastion on there
The Fable series. Fantastic, especially the first. Also, Geometry Wars (as I mentioned earlier) is well worth the $4.
listed under The elder scrolls skyrim, its even installed, she's done a video on how to mod it and I'm fairly certain she has videos of it on twitch
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (if available, GoTY edition).
Then head over to the Morrowind Nexus and mod the shit out of it.
I don't see the Witcher 2 in there. I highly recommend it.
Orcs Must Die! 2, the STALKER games, Hawken (F2P), Payday The Heist, Tribes Ascend (F2P), Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the Trine series, and Just Cause 2.
I'd suggest taking a look at The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition if you didn't already play that or maybe Torchlight 2 they are both 20$ on Steam
I'm going to recommend FTL: Faster Than Light, Super Hexagon, and Lone Survivor (although one needs to go on sale to get all of them for $20)
Lone Survivor is a great game i'd recommend checking it out too!
Bientôt l'été! Definitely! I think it's on sale as well.
Limbo is also great!
I agree with The Witcher 2, maybe Mirrors Edge.
I bought XCOM recently and was impressed by this game in many aspects. Its difficulty is a welcome change to the easy mode that most AAA games have.
EDIT: Actually XCOM isnt $20 so I will add something else.
FTL Faster than light is a great fun indie title to pick up. It can become very addictive, just a warning.
Maybe Borderlands 2, if you haven't played it. I enjoyed love that game, although I get the feeling you've played through it as well.