Monero (XMR) mining.Thoughts?

So I’ve started looking into minnin. Thought about doing bitcoin but return on investment isn’t very high where I live. So I looked for other coins to mine and found a few but Monero and Ethereum seem the most profitable. I was wondering what other people thought and what their experiences were with mining. I also had a few questions on how to figure out how to figure out ones hashrate from something like 296H/s. With coins like Bitcoin you get something that can give you an idea but with thee coins or at least the miners and websites I have found dont give anything explaining it.

If you can mine etherum with your GPU do that and xmr with cpu or gpu

You can certainly mine XMR with profits on CPUs, just keep in mind your temprature and power usage when doing so.

For monero hashrates I suggest using Claymore CPU XMR miner.
A few things to note though is when setting the number of threads, 1 thread needs around 2mb of cache, setting too many threads not enough threads will decrease your hashrates.
Hashrate is mostly dependent on clockspeed and cache size.

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