Modern Server Mobo Power Connector(s)

Hi all, hope your Tuesday has been going well. I’ll get right to the question:

^ What’s with the power connectors on that mobo? Most of my experience is with AT/ATX desktop computing. I see the specification(s) mention a power adapter to connect via 24-pin ATX.

This is the second board I’ve spotted this kind of power connector configuration on, so I thought I’d ask here. Appreciate any insight on if this is a temp oddity vs larger change in future specification, etc.

The power is received via the normal EPS 12v connector for that motherboard.

There’s a molex microfit connector with a presumably proprietary pinout for the PS_ON, PWR_OK 5Vsb and ground.

As to if this arrangement has any staying power, it doesn’t seem like it at the moment do to it complicating motherboard design and likely increased return/failure rates of motherboards themselves due to the extra SMPS circuitry that is even easier to overload on the motherboard.

There is quite detailed explanation in the manual. This board supports two ways of powering - a regular 24pin atx via a special adapter, or an alternative 12v DC

Looks like 3x CPU power connectors, plus one x4 signal connector.

Is this one of those newfangled ATX12VO thingamajingies?

twin_savage +1

the motherboard should come with a 24 pin to 4 pin adapter for signaling (doesn’t carry power), and the 3 atx12v connectors are normal eps connectors.

(note: image from x570d4i-2t. the one in sienad8ud-2l2q didn’t label the pinouts)

i think even their prebuilt barebones use an atx power supply with the adapter:

i have a x570d4i-2t which uses the same connector does come with that adapter

the 24 pin to 4 pin adapter is actually optional if you have an always-on 12v power source

Yeah, it’s here to stay. It’s easier to route just a 12V power cable then the huge 24 pin ATX harness and have locally generated 5 and 3.3V power rails.

Thanks everyone for the input. Appreciate your time - have a great week.