MOBO Compatible With Higher Speed RAM?

Hey guys look I was gonna pick up 16GB 2400mhz RAM, I currently have 10GB1600mhz, my shitty HP motherboard doesn't support 2400 MHZ RAM, but a MOBO I plan to buy in the future does, my question is can I use the 16 GB 2400MHZ RAM with my current motherboard, I understand it will be bottle necked by it, but will it work because I really need more memory : /


It might clock the RAM down to 1333, but it shouldn't have any problems

That ram will work fine.

Thanks guys

What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing.

Okay. Let's get a couple things straight. Yes that RAM will work in your motherboard no problem but of course it will down clock itself to 1600Mhz or 1333Mhz or whatever your max RAM speed your motherboard supports. So what is the the point of spending that much on high speed RAM?

Okay you said you will be getting a new motherboard that does support 2400Mhz RAM. Well, most motherboards won't without an OC. So that is kinda eh right there.

That being said, you do realize high speed RAM makes absolutely no difference whatsoever on systems with dedicated GPUs? In game you won't see any difference in your FPS when changing RAM speeds and if you do it may only be like .5 FPS up or down. It is within the margin of error. 

Plus as clock speed goes up so does CAS latency. Your CPU doesn't need to move that much information in and out of the RAM like say a GPU does. So overall bandwidth doesn't make that much of a difference. You want that RAM to be responsive so lower CAS latency is better. 1600Mhz is usually around the sweet spot for Mhz/CAS Latency. 

Really you need more than 10GB? I'm not so sure. If you are just gaming or doing light video editing you really don't need more than 8GB. 

So overall I think this is a dumb purchase. You most likely don't need more RAM and blowing more money on 2400Mhz RAM is pointless. You could drop in some much cheaper 1333Mhz RAM and it will perform just the same. 

Save your money and don't buy it and if you for some reason desperately need more RAM then buy whatever is cheapest. 


I appreciate your help but I have about 3GB constantly being taken up by chrome, steam, sticky notes, etc, so when I start a game I only have 6.8 GB availbable, you might be right about just grabbing 1600MHZ because thats what I am currently running at but when I get a new MOBO wouldn't it have been a better idea to get the 2400MHZ?

3GB is average. 6.8 available is plenty. No game will use, for the most part at 1080p or lower, more than 4GB. That is why we recommend 8GB TOTAL for a gaming rig. 

And no it isn't a better idea to get 2400Mhz RAM. If you read what I posted, you'd see that I already told you there is no real benefit to using higher speed RAM. You will see no improvements in performance.