Hello i have recently built a new pc and i need to update my motherboards BIOS.
However i feel abit unsure about how to do this. Im not sure which things i should update so im turning to you the once that no doubt have alot more experience in these kind of things. I have read the manual for my Mobo but i still dont feel 100% sure.
My motherboard is an Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z with a AMD CPU.
Download the Bios file listed next to the FX-9590 under the CPU Support section on the website. Then download "Bios Renamer for USB BIOS Flashback". Put the Bios .cap file and the tool in the same folder and run tool. Then put the re-named bios .cap file on a BLANK usb drive. Make sure there is NOTHING else on the USB. Then follow the manual on how to perform the usb bios flash.
P.S. This will not affect your windows install at all. However.... if you make a mistake like removing the USB before the flash is complete, or not renaming the file correctly, or a power loss during the flash - then you could brick the BIOS. Some Asus boards have 2 bios and a switch to change to the 2nd BIOS. IF you make this mistake and it kills the PC just switch bios's and try again.
Ok thanks great explanation. just one question there are alot of different Bios for this one MOBO should i put do all of the steps above for all of them on their own or can i just go trough them all in one go? And does this go for the LAN and Audio updates too?
Both recommendations are pretty solid. I did a video on this as part of a greater topic when buidling. You can go to approx the 20 min mark which discusses a general step by step on how to update the UEFI ( BIOS ). This was for a Intel board but the process is pretty much the same.
There is no need to do a "step-up" from 1 bios to the other (unless specified by the website that you need to do that.) 99% of the time in my experience all you need is the most recent, as this should have all updates and changes that have collectively been done to date.