Mobile mail app with reasonable privacy

There are many good 3rd party e-mail apps but once I get into reading the privacy policy most appear to collect and process all my data.

Like Edison that comes highly recommended but do a lot of data collection.

What are your mobile e-mail app recommendations that don’t process or collect data except for on the actual device (both for Android and iOS preferably).

Proton Mail


Well it looks like he is looking for an app to get mail from his current provider.

K-9 Mail is what I use.

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There’s a couple of interesting options here, K-9 Mail, FairMail and more


Thanks, am giving K-9 a try. If anyone happens to run into something I can get going on the iPad as well that’d be great.

have that but for Proton, haven’t connected any custom domains to it but have considered it but it’s not always an option

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I think the Problem (as with Edison) is, that everything has to be “AI”, “Smart”, “Insert other buzzword here” nowadays. Doing anything automatically on your behalf need training data of some sorts. Or they process it on their servers. As always, privacy vs. convenience.
I recommend K-9 too. Great App!

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The Protonmail app unfortunately relies on GSF, which means it’s not ideal to use on an ungoogled device.

What’s GSF?

Google Services Framework

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I’m not sure if it’s as much a privacy vs convenience matter as the better revenue source. They would probably make less selling the app then selling the data as what they call “Trends”. There is an opt out but most user won’t care and they still collect and process users data.

A lot of AI and classifiers (the product of ML) can run on a mobile device, take for instance facial tracking in the camera that I’m sure all vendors would love to collect and process but it’s way too bandwidth intensive and sensitive to latency. I’m pretty confident they could make a kick-ass mail app with in app processing or with the processing but not storing data. There should be plenty of e-mails to go around to make a good training set without requiring access to their users data.