This has been me for about 2 months now. I'm getting really tired of it. IIRC I made a thread about troubleshooting a drive (my video games drive, a WD Green 1TB) when it started doing... weird... things... to my PC.
Long story short, a friend who's been working on the drive and myself have found out it was a master file/filesystem/whatever corruption on the HDD. He still has the drive but he sold me a pair of used drives (1TB Seagate and a 750GB WD Black) on the cheap. I gave the Seagate to my father and took the WD Black for my games so I could get back to kicking ass. I installed half my Steam games and it worked fine for about a week. I managed to play through Portal 1 and 2 and play a good number of hours on a few other games with no problems at all.
Now that WD Black has suddenly started acting similarly to my WD Green when it first started showing signs of corruption. Two days ago it was working perfectly fine. Today... Steam,, Nexus Mod Manager... REFUSE to load. I could open the folders and move files around, but couldn't actually get the programs to fully load. They'd hang up for 10 minutes. I thought it might be the mobo's SATA port being wore out. That's not the case; swapping SATA ports, cables, moving drives around, literally every test I could try short of a BIOS flash... it's not the mobo, I'm sure. And that drive is still acting up. So I copied as much data as I could off of it (damn data caps from Suddenlink, I can't redownload games forever in one month) and reformatted the drive again and tried to go back and install on it and Steam.
I installed and started to install Steam again. After starting the Steam install, I've had time to google search some troubleshooting, think about making this post, write this post, and do some shopping on Newegg for possible replacements AND STEAM IS STILL NOT DONE INSTALLING as of writing this sentence.
I think it's hopeless. I think the drive is physically worn out. That or Steam is just... corrupting everything it touches for some reason. Are there any bright ideas you guys have on the issue?
As for why Win10 is in the title... When I reformatted the drive, that doesn't automatically remove tiles of course. But now I can't get Steam's tile to go away. View this page, this guy had the EXACT same thing happening to him (only he got it fixed somehow):
In the meantime, I really need to back up my data. This whole thing has made me lose countless hours of work because I couldn't find the backups I thought I had. I'm a college student so I keep putting the backups off. But I can't use a tight budget as an excuse anymore; I'm losing too much stuff to HDD failures. Half my drives are old after all; they were gifts from people that didn't need them. Any thoughts on these?