I'll post one here in a sec, and no, if I'm not unemployed I've either working at a fastfood fried chicken joint for minimum wage, quality inspector for air bag parts at a factory, or rachet strapping 32,000 pound aluminum coils to rail cars
the 22nd I start being a call rep for verison, thats the closest I've gotten for a tech job, how do I build so many computers? I build and fix computers and only charge enough money for the gas for the trip and a meal, then the people tell their friends and family, and they tell everyone from their brother to your mother about me, and that's why I fix computers 3 counties away and give advice on the internet
how am I good at this, college? no I dropped out to help pay for my fathers surgery which he unfountunatly did not get to get, I didn't do too well in high school so they wanted me to take 2 years of remedial classes and a year of college before they would let me take any tech classes, in highschool the A+ class was alway full so I never got to take it, but I made damn sure I took the 20 non related classes that involved the tech teacher.
they were AV classes, dreamweaver, photoshop, stuff like that, didn't directly help know computer stuff but got me used to using them, it was in a tech class that my friend uses a N64 emulator to play a game, that blew my 14 year old mind, I wanted to do that but all I had was a 7 year old computer with windows ME on it, so I tried to make it faster, thought unessary win32 files were bogging it down and needed the free space so I start with those, I had to, no money to buy better computer or parts, only hand me downs were available
needless to say I broke a lot of shit to make things faster cheap, but I also had to learn how to fix those things I broke, because I had no money to get new working ones
for modern hardware I was on newegg.com on ALL my free time in any tech classes comparing products, reading reviews, asking tech friends and teachers, didn't have internet at all at home so thats the only resouce, about a year and a half ago I got internet for the first time, between my friends, overclock.net, Razethewrold/tekSyndicate and newegg I've learned even more
I was a kid in the sticks and graduated highschool with a 2.1 GPA, you don't have to be a genius to know computers, like anything, you just need dedication
"I'm no genius, I just break a lot of shit that I have to fix"
now that my life story is over, Masskilla has a XFX 5770 he wants to sell for around that price, XFX has a double lifetime warranty, that means he has a lifetime warranty and anybody he sells it to has a lifetime warranty, and if it ever shits out, they will get you a card or equal or GREATER value, I'm using one of his XFX 5770s he had in crossfire and the thing runs everything nicely, depending on resolution you should be able to run things on high settings