I just played it... If you have a PS3 you should go try the demo.... It's pretty slick, it's a nice game for sure.
thx for info that demo came out, ill get it for ps3, and btw, u got littlebigplanet?
All im saying is that it looks fucking sick, not really my type of game, but it looks sweet =]
Nah I never got to play LBP Yet but I do know what it is, been watching it for quite a while... Very interested in it, if you've played it, how is it?
I cant wait for this to come out for PC!
the soundtrack is fucking awsome.
My next game will probably be LittleBigPlanet. If you guys pick it up, let me know and we'll log on.
I actually have it now, Went upstairs to feed my dogs and I watched my dad play it for a few.
Oh nice. I'll probably get it at the end of the week.