To be honest, I was expecting a bit more from the graphics. They couldn't really do much, considering the colour pallet of the first game, just improve the lighting and shaders. Still looks quite good.
Glad it's an open world. Hopefully there are no restrictions, and you'll also be able to roam around at street level. I want Parkour Simulator 2016, lol.
From the cinematic trailer, it doesn't look like we'll be getting much in terms of a destructable environment. Maybe the glass breaking will be fancy?
I also want it to be open world. TRULY open world. Not some closed area that i can explore. Also i want the game to be long, considering the first game was embarrassingly short.
Imagine that, but with Oculus support :O. I'm afraid of heights, and the first game gave me motion sickness so that would be hell for me haha. Still looks pretty cool though,
I'm hoping this game doesn't get killed by EA's stupidity. So far it sounds amazing, and graphically, it looks very good. Yes, it's not a gorgeous trailer, but who knows maybe it was just being run on a console, not a PC and there is still room to expand.
I will be watching this very closely... or as close as I can. If this is a well executed open world game that I dreamed of after Mirror's Edge, I will whatever is needed to get it.
Combat is meh in Mirror's Edge, because it wasn't the point of the game. If they spend a little time on combat and make it smooth, that's all it needs, the rest of the time should be spent on the world, story and fluidity of travel.
Mirror's Edge's story was something that I couldn't see Anita complaining about. As long as she hasn't had a voice on gameplay mechanics, I don't care if she was involved.
The trailer doesn't show much, but I'm impressed with what it did show. Graphics look good, gameplay looks smooth. This is going to be a long eight months.