Mining because I can!

Last year, I started mining litecoins.  I never really pushed to hard and kept having crashes with my settings (they would be so stable for so hours then oops) so I never made too much money, maybe like 20 bucks total.  However, I don't pay for my electricity (live at home) and now I have access to more gpu horsepower than I previously did and I thought it might be neat to set up the cards as workers again and see if I could make a little money.  What alt coin is best to mine now though?  I had thought about a few, (dark, world, feather, bbq, doge, and lite) but I've been out of the cryptocoin loop for so long now I dont even know where to start.  Any pointers?

I have a mining rig I'd sell ya. GPU's don't produce a useful amount anymore. I have a zeus x3 with a 1kw server psu running it. If you're interested, let me know. It runs at 30mh/s.

Going back to the electricity thing. You may not pay the bills but id be pretty upset if someone was using my power and made the cost spike.