Hi everyone! I’ve been debating with myself if I wanted to get a new laptop or a mini ITX build and finally decided on the latter.
This is the first time for me approaching an ITX build so I was looking for adivces and things to keep in mind as I buy parts.
Case - The only console-size case I can buy at a decent price here is the Silverstone RVZ03.
CPU cooler - The clearence on the RVZ03 is 83mm so I found the Noctua NH-L12s as a good candidate, beside the Cryorig C7 which many says it’s loud.
CPU - 8C 16T CPU is what I’d like to buy and the only CPU I can fit in the budget with those specs is the 3700x. But there’s also Ryzen 3rd gen. that’s coming out so I don’t know if I should wait for it or not. I’m not in a rush to get a PC, I can wait. It’s just that right now I have right amount saved up and decided what to do with those money.
Motherboard - B550 is the only one that makes sense to me at this point. It’s about to be available, has everthing I can ask for and out of the box support for Ryzen 3000.
GPU - If I did math correctly (which is not a given for me) I can squeeze in a 2070 Super from EVGA. It’s the most basic one, an FE with a different shroud and branding. I’d like to play @1080p 144Hz with high details so it should be good for that. Also I wanted to give myself a bit of leaway for the future.
PSU - SFX 80+ Gold 600W, whatever unit from a reliable brand I can find for cheaper.
Storage - Not important, gonna recycle the SSD from my laptop and get a cheap smaller one to replace it.
That’s about it really, this is my plan and I’d like to know your thoughts on it, suggestions, maybe how to handle timing on everything I’m gonna buy. Budget is 1500 - 1600€. Thanks!
Looks like a good build. GN did a review of the case which could be useful if you haven’t seen it already. I didn’t watch the whole thing, but it seems generally positive.
I have a Cryorig C7 on an i7 6700K, and the noise levels seem pretty good to me. It’s totally swamped by the GPU cooler, so it’s in that “quiet enough” zone where I don’t even really think about it.
The SFX power supply is a good idea also for ease of cable management if nothing else. I have a Node 304 here with a 600W SFX PSU from Silverstone, and even though the case supports it trying to cram a full sized ATX PSU in there would be an exercise in frustration.
I saw their review and it’s very positive so I guess I got lucky on that front. Regarding the cooler I think I’d buy also based on the motherboard I get since I’ve seen some AM4 ITX boards with components of different heights that might interfere with a downdraft cooler like the Noctua NH-L12s
A lot of people might be getting interested in building desktops in anticipation of telecommuting becoming a large part of the new normal for schools, governments and businesses.
China India conflict could cause issues in supply. Prices should go down but thats not a guarantee. If VRMs are the same you will probably get zero gain from latest gen.
B550 boards are not yet available here so I can’t start buying things. It’s my policy not to buy components one at the time because I can’t test them.
Also that would hopefully give me time to see a new drop in prices like the one I missed a week ago.
Wasn’t there something about people buying the Cryorig C7 and then swapping the fan on it for a quieter one?
I think a colleague of mine and a friend did that or thought about doing that.
Another point: I’d really wait for B550 because that should be available so relatively soon. I have bought a B450 motherboard three months ago or so and I was annoyed and then relived about the whole Ryzen 3000 support situation.