Mini ITX & 3.5" Drives

As some of you may know, if you've seen my previous posts, I keep mentioning my next build being a mini ITX form factor build, simply due to the lack of physical room I have. Anyway, I just wanted to ask, is there an elegant solution to using both a mini ITX case and 3.5" drives, I was thinking about something as small as possible like the RVZ02/RVZ01-E by Silverstone. Now I know neither of those cases support the use of a 3.5" HDD, so I thought maybe I could buy enclosures for the drives, and have them outside of the case. However, I'd still like to maintain the best possible performance, so I was wondering, is there a nice, neat, and simple way of connecting the HDD(s), via SATA, external to the case? Or would you guys say this is a terrible idea? Maybe I should just consider getting a 2.5" HDD instead, to work alongside an SSD? Or even better, would I just be better off using the RVZ01 (none -'-e' version), as that case does support at least 1 3.5" drive? Then maybe use one external HDD connected via USB3.0 or something along those lines?

Finally, can any of you guys suggest good cooling solutions for such a case? Are there any AIO liquid coolers that would definitely fit within such a small space? - I've seen some images, and a video or two, but they don't paint a concrete image/idea. Also, just to note, for cooling, I don't need anything too amazing, as I'm not the kinda gamer that's so hardcore that they demand every FPS they can possibly get, I'm happy as long as it's somewhat playable, 60 is great, I don't need more than 60, 30 is okay, I can live with it to say the very least. I don't play a tonne of demanding games, and I'm not the kinda user that requires anything too crazy or intense, so that's all the more reason why I'm thinking about going for the mini ITX form factor, I don't need all of the space and pros that you get with a midi tower case. The only benefit that I get with a midi tower case or bigger is that it'll be easier to keep my components cooler, other than that, there's not much else, other than that, there are only disadvantages, considering I have a serious lack of space for my setup.

Anyway, I'd appreciate any replies or responses, thank you guys.

FINALLY. To anyone that's read previous posts from me on a similar subject, I do apologise, I know I've been somewhat annoying to try and cater for on such a subject, but I do appreciate previous feedback, and I do appreciate you trying to help me out. So again, thank you guys! :)

So you want this slim form factor? Because I can always say Cooler Master Elite 110 for extremely tiny build and Elite 130 for small build with large graphics card.
The thing is, most ITX cases I can think of are kinda boxy and not really that slim of a form factor... So if you really want a slim case, you may not really have a choice...

Yeah, I'm a bit of a fool for not noting down that I need something slim, hence why I've also previously made a post about a ThermalTake case that's a full ATX case, but slim, however, the huge thing that puts me off of that is that it has a lot of bad reviews, unfortunately.

But yes, slim is the main feature that I'm after, whether it's an E-ATX case or not that doesn't matter. I mean if I could have something that's slim as hell, but it can be unrealistically tall and fairly deep, then great, but all that matters, how wide it is. Again, I won't go into too much detail, but it's simply due to the dimensions of my setup and the room my setup is in, space is a big issue at the moment. I'm even debating a smaller desk and possibly an ultrawide monitor, again, simply due to space issues, in the ideal world, I'd have the biggest case I can get my hands on, but like I said, in the ideal world. I say I'm debating the ultrawide monitor because I'd like a higher res monitor anyway, and if I got a smaller desk, then I doubt the two monitors would fit on there, I would say I'd buy a dual mount, but my monitors are fixed to their mounts, they were very cheap ones to be fair and for their price, they do the job.

I need to downgrade at the moment, as when people come into my office/man cave room/area, they will accidentally kick my PC, now I can't be too harsh on people about it as I've done it about 1,000,000 times. Of course, not on purpose, it's genuinely due to a lack of space.

Long story short. I need more space.

I also know what I can do for CPU cooling to say the least, since you suggested Cooler Master, I had a look at their other products, well their 92mm AIO liquid cooler seems to be an excellent solution for very small form factor PC's.