Mini Displayport to Displayport 1.2 cable from MacBook Pro to Monitor

Hey all. I'm new here, so if this is the wrong place for me to posting this let me know. 

Got a steal of deal on a 29" AOC monitor. Have HDMI on my MacBook Pro Retina which is great! Although just wondering would this cable: work from Mac to monitor being it supports it. I've been hearing that certain DP cables are powered while others are not. Which are meant for different purposes. Just wondering if this would work. I'm currently using hdmi to hdmi, work great. Would there be any benefit me going DP rout? I'm open to input, and this community is less biased compared to others. Thanks in advance guys!

You don't really have a reason to use DP, HDMI seems to be working fine for you, unless you just have to have a smaller cable, or you need the HDMI port open for something else. My advice stay with what you have and save the money.