So here’s the setup: I’ve got a laptop with WiFi and ethernet, and one MikroTik router.
When I’m at my desk, I like to plug in my ethernet cos I get nice fast speeds to my local machines.
When I’m about the house, I ofcourse use WiFi.
In both cases, I’m connected to the same MikroTik router.
Now, at the moment these two interfaces ofcourse have different IP addresses, which is annoying because I’d like to be able to do something like ssh and have that work every time regardless of whether the machine is connected via WiFi or ethernet, rather than doing ssh my-laptop-on-wifi.home.lan or ssh my-laptop-on-ethernet.home.lan.
Thanks for the hint, I did a bit of googling and it sounds like this is something that needs to be done from the client-side.
The client machine in question is running Windows 11 Pro, in Windows parlance they seem to call it “NIC Bonding”, unfortunately it looks like its a feature that is unique to Intel NICs and WIndows Server at that…
The problem here is that the DHCP server on the Mikrotik is going to assign different IPs to the different MAC addresses of the two interfaces.
You could potentially make them both static, and assign the same IP in the server settings, but this will probably cause conflicts, rather than acting like link aggregation, if it’s even allowed at all(?).