First of all, I know I've made a couple previous posts, but I wanted to tweak it a bunch. I'm building a mid-high end PC (my first one) and I'm pretty much screwed if this doesn't work. Budget is $820. Does this work?
PLEASE tell me if it works first, then suggest stuff.
Can you live without the free games? Cause you can get a 7970( maybe you could use the money after rebates to buy games)( seriously, I think I'm over suggesting the 7970. Maybe a 670- 4GB or 2GB+ extras- to break the monotony)
It would be nice to go with the 670, but it's out of my budget. The 7950 will do me just fine, and if I get the 670, I would have to possibly reduce the quality of the other parts. Will it work as is, though?