Mid-High End Build

First of all, I know I've made a couple previous posts, but I wanted to tweak it a bunch. I'm building a mid-high end PC (my first one) and I'm pretty much screwed if this doesn't work. Budget is $820. Does this work?


PLEASE tell me if it works first, then suggest stuff.



please use this, you havent given us the exact specifications of the components

its a beautiful tool, i see you're buying pretty much all your stuff at newegg, where this one finds the cheapest out of all the major retailers

Do you live near a microcenter?

Sadly not.

Okay, updated in the post.

So, does it work or not?

I don't see any problems with it. What's the ram speed?

1866 mhz.

1866 mhz.

Woops, dunno what happened with the double post there.

Can you live without the free games? Cause you can get a 7970( maybe you could use the money after rebates to buy games)( seriously, I think I'm over suggesting the 7970. Maybe a 670- 4GB or 2GB+ extras- to break the monotony)

whatever drive that is, 50$ for 500gb barracuda, 70$ for a tb. i dunno the toshiba thingy so i feel like it may be either 5400 or a laptop drive.

asrock extreme 4 970 is like 2 bucks more id go with that.

edit: just looked up toshiba thingy, seems kinda poop, def go with a cuda!


Just noticed he said Toshiba thingy. Got a good laugh lol

It would be nice to go with the 670, but it's out of my budget. The 7950 will do me just fine, and if I get the 670, I would have to possibly reduce the quality of the other parts. Will it work as is, though?