Mid $800 Gaming Build

Hey All,

 I am looking for a great mid-$800 build, and came up with the following.  The only tasking thing I plan to do with this build is game.

I was wanting to wait for the AMD card prices to go back down, but that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon, so I went with a 770 (seemed to be the best for the price range). I also went with the 8320, because I had read that the 6300 (cheaper price) would bottleneck the 770.  I would also like to SLI a 2nd 770 at a later time for upgradability. 





Thanks for any help!

Got the price down a good deal with a MoBo/CPU combo NCIX was doing. 


Go with a better motherboard.  I recommend the Asus M5A99FX Pro r2.0.  The asrock one you've chosen has a weak 4+1 power phase.

Otherwise everything looks pretty good.

edit: just saw your comment with the gigabyte board.  That'll work alright.