Microsoft Makes a Twitter Bot Aimed Towards Millenials : Gets Decomissioned After Learns How to Be an Internet Ass


A form of Twitter's 'Tay' could easily be used by law enforcement agencies to 'entrap' prospective offenders (or innocent people)

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quoting Hitler and supporting Trump :) Bad thing about AI's It is scary what they can learn from internet trolls. lol

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But the year of linux on desktop...


Seems it's about as intelligent as most things MS brings to market, they should have spent a little more time or gave it access to Cortana's knowledge base before unleashing it into the wild.

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This is helarious. But i wish they would have left her up and done the research. I would have been interesting to see if Tay would have changed her veiews after she had a chance to educate herself. more. When conducting experiments sometimes you get unexpected results and you should be OK with that. That said im glad to see real R&D going on in the wwwild.

So I guess MS like the rest of the world doesn't want to deal with reality and that is the world is ****. They took it down only because of the bad PR they would get and out of it lose money/sales/customers probably. Die commerce die as once again it gets in the way of a good thing being done. If one person who came across this Twitter bot changed the way they acted towards others because of what they saw from it well it would have been good but no MS has to think of their stupid bottom line.

i love those 'ai''s

Well what did they think would happen? People (let alone millenials) actually being reasonable on social media? (โ‰งโˆ‡โ‰ฆ)/

Are they really surprised of what happened? It's like putting a child on the internet and let him/her get spolied by it. This made me think about a troll bot that used to be around at the time of MSN Messenger called "Doriana82" that mimicked the official Microsoft one (Doretta82) swearing and cursing like crazy if you said something wrong hahaha.

this made my day.

Now imagine this AI in charge of deciding who gets drone struck.

welp thats what you get for making an unfiltered markov process.

silly microsoft.

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they should have left those post up as humor.... god know microsoft needs it to gain market share.

seriously though what do you expect from a computer than scans the internet?(the hate network) lol

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And possibly one that now has roughly 8 months of user desktop data from Cortana and Emails....


I think Wendell was right in the latest episode of the tech. Microsoft was very successful in this ... at holding up a mirror to show us ourselves. I think this is another great example of how terrible we are as a species.

This specific AI doesn't need more evolution, we do.