So Microsoft has bought the staff and patent portfolio of Nokia. Nokia still has a part of its operation that's not sold to Microsoft, specializing in telecom infrastructure and probably the military and governmental contracts they have and don't want to lose, but everything else is now owned by Microsoft, and the Nokia CEO will probably succeed Ballmer as Microsoft CEO.
So Microsoft becomes Nokia, which is in line with Ballmer's strategy of making Microsoft a devices and services company.
Any opinions on what this means for Microsoft and Nokia products?
Will you ever consider a Nokia-Microsoft phone?
Will the takeover of Nokia by Microshaft be as successful as the takeover so many years ago of Ericsson (when feature phones were still relevant, this was Nokia's nemesis) by Sony?
Is it too little too late or too much way too late?
I think Microsoft is mainly focused on the mobile market. To me the creation of windows 8 was rushed, they created a perfect windows os for the mobile but decided to not change for the desktop world ! rant
Anyway Nokia has always in my opinion made quality phones and Microsoft could help them regain their position in the North American market.
I think that it'll be good for Microsoft's mobile side. I'd like to see Windows 8 become windows mobile though. give us windows 9 for the standard user.
(i like windows 8 on a touch screen, but I'll never use it stock on a real computer. mostly because I'd constantly be jabbing the screen with my finger...)
I think Microsoft will go the way of Apple and lose significance (if that hasn't happened already). Think they are trying to compete with the patent trolls? In any case, I'd like to see IOS and Windows go under the bus and have Linux assume dominance over the desktop market because there is actually innovation there.
Which Windows OS since Windows95 hasn't been rushed to market? None of them, all of them are buggy, incomplete masses of garbage that people buy just because it's the only OS that supports the programs they use.
This is a sad day if you ask me. Nokia always had great phones, maybe they struck out here and there, but never the less they were always innovating and exciting. Now that MS bought them...i dont know. Their Meego harmattan devices were amazing, i don't know why they dropped it.
Like PossibleFloW said, maybe they'll try and make these flashy, trendy phones and compete with Apple. But it will no longer be exciting, unless windows phone 9 comes out and it turns out to be amazing, which i highly doubt.
Ballmer has absolutely no idea how products his company makes should work to appeal to consumers. That's why pretty much nothing Microsoft makes interests anyone. He's a businessman detached from the actual products his company makes. CEOs like that should burn in hell. Microsoft needs its own Jobs.
Yes, I agree, Microsoft must not have heard the news yet, on Labor day linux kernel 3.11 came out... with the ability to run Windows RT apps on linux.
That pretty much means that when the dust settles, there is not a single app that Microsoft can come up with that will not also run on a linux-based device... and the apps make the device...
Why do they even bother is the question that comes to mind...
Check for open source... when will they finally give up and forfeit the game of chess they've been playing far too long... what will the more than 7 billion in patents they have bought now make of a difference... no fuck is given...
I think the real soul of Nokia lives on in Jolla though, with Sailfish OS those are the new business class devices... and we should also not forget Tizen, the OS with the AL2.0 license owned by the Linux Foundation and developed by Samsung and Intel... when Intel comes up with their new mobile device processors (for which they have already submitted drivers in the linux 3.12 kernel... what chance does Microsoft have?
Microsoft has never brought a succesful device to the market (zune, surface, etc...), and has never scored high in the services department, yet now they insist on becoming a devices and services company... yeah...
i think it might be nice to see a ms surface inspired phone, something like the ubuntu edge was going to be
i personally don't know what to think, i really liked nokia phones and it sounds pretty bad that they sold esensially their whole buissnes off, but maybe most of their people will continue their exact same work with nothing more than a different logo on their shirt, hard to say what this means so i'll just sit and wait before i cast my judgement