Crazy question; I live in Florida the land of aligators and zero - is there a “shopper service” that would go into a microcenter store for me to pickup a deal (CPU or mobo/cpu combo) for me and then ship the item back to me?
Can’t just order online?
Microcenter is famous for incredible in store only deals
Ah fair enough, there is one down the road from me so I always go in person!
Bruh, you just gave my small biz a new idea. I live like 5 miles from the Denver location. This is intriguing.
Uber eats but for microcenter
If someone lives in a sales tax free state = WINNING COMBO!
People would save sales tax and those $$ goes towards the shopper fee, etc.
if your willing to pay i could be persuaded
I don’t think there are any states that don’t charge sales tax except maybe FL. Also states the have an income tax expect you report all purchases above 600 dollars. I know you have to report all purchases above 600 dollars on your Federal tax forums. I would expect if anyone where to offer a shoppers service they would have to pay a business tax, so the savings from a sales tax wouldn’t be as much as you think.
Kentucky also has no sales tax!
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