MicroATX/MiniITX build(Need your thoughts)

I am thinking about building a similar PC to the Colugo. I am not worried about form factor, more so looks. I was wondering if this build I have made is well rounded, and won't have any issues. I already have Windows 8.1, so an OS isn't necessary. If you could come up with a better build that is either Mini ITX, or Micro ATX and is under $750, or $800 then that would also be greatly appreciated.

(The Build I'm thinking about going through with)

dude if your gonna go with Intel MiniITX is great. .with a sexy looki'n case, but thats just me, depends on what you want.Just think about how portable your build is gonna be plus you can carry it whenever you want if there is a LAN PARTY . .Lets just say if its a small MiniITX some people won't expect much,but your gonna surprise them with whats inside how cool is that, ,

You're spending way too much on fans. In the MATX prodigy & prodigy spinoffs you can't even mount that many fans...

Also, I'd skip the recon fan controller. They have horrible viewing angles and you'll be better off with the integrated ones that come on mobos today. (Bitfenix prodigy and recon owner)

Here is what I would build in your situation: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/fatninjamke/saved/4q6v

The difference between the 760k and 750k is worth it for the performance you get.  You don't need all those fans, Instead I threw in a CPU cooler for overclocking or just keeping everything silent.  Got a better quality PSU.  I chose only one stick of RAM just for upgradability to 16GB.  But if you know you won't get 16Gigs anytime soon, dual channel is great.  The case is better than the colossus.  


CPU: You could go with an I3 depending if the games or apps you use run better with Intel

Case: Preference.  You could get the Node 304, Corsair 250D, or even an HTPC chassis

GPU: If you don't mind spending more you could get a GTX 760.  You could also get an R9 280x or GTX 770 and still be within budget.  


Oh I forgot to mention the fans would be a work in progress kind of thing. After I would buy the main components then I would buy those fans, and the fan controller. I was unaware of the issue with how many fans I chose, so thank you for pointing that out for me.


few less fans better gpu. MOAR PURFURMERNCE YALL

I tried going i3 but it always seems to cost considerably more because it seems the motherboards are always more expensive. I looked at the build you posted, and I do like it but I dont really like the Prodigy, so I may go with another case. All in all I like it. Thank you for posting.

Don't like the prodigy?  No problem.  Here are a lot more great Mitx cases you can chose from! : http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007583%20600006318&IsNodeId=1&name=Mini-ITX%20Tower&cm_sp=CompCase9-_-VisNav-_-MiniITXTower

My recommendation: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119286 

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3uMX2 Slightly over budget but you get an I5, a Gtx 760 and an ssd. If you want it to be in budget then cut the ssd. Either way this thing would be a tiny beast :) 

Get rid of the fans, and get an AMD FX 6300 CPU and a Asus M5A78M-L motherboard and id say your good to go.

I would drop a couple fans & get an SSD