I am building a micro atx amd build for my Wife. She will be using it mostly for farmville 2 (yeah, I know).
This is the case I have picked out:
This is the motherboard I want to use:
I want to use the AMD FX4300 CPU and a XFX 7970 GPU I will pull out of my computer and upgrade my mine to a new GPU.
Will this CPU and GPU work well with this motherboard? The micro atx chip sets are a bit weak. Also, I will put in a modular 500 watt power supply for it and use 8 gigs of 1333 ram.
First, that case is for mini ITX, which is completely different than mATX.
Second, what about using an FM2+ system? The integrated graphics would do well for her wants and the platform also has many more choices for mini ITX (assuming you want mini ITX).
I think something like the A8-6600K, ASRock FM2A88X-ITX+, some decent RAM, and the Corsair 250D would make for a very nice, very good for the money build. Looking through the prices it appears that the total cost going with the FM2+ route would end up costing less than $500.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/9xJ3dC (as a representative build)
Can you give us the following:
- Budget (and whether or not it's flexible, and by how much)
- Form factor
- Any parts you are considering, have already purchased or definitely want to buy
"I want to use the AMD FX4300 CPU and a XFX 7970 GPU I will pull out of my computer and upgrade my mine to a new GPU."
Are you pulling out the CPU as well? Could you clearly indicate what parts you have already purchased it is difficult to understand, sorry.
I already have the XFX 7970. I don't mind an ITX build. I need the ITX or micro ATX because of space issues. The games she plays really maxes out an on board GPU. 500 dollars give or take would be fine.
You could change the CPU to an i3 or add a CPU cooler:
- Went with the H97 board so that you don't have to go through the hassle of updating the BIOS.
- G Skill RAM $55 for 2x4 GB with those specs is a steal.
- I'm assuming she does not use a lot of storage so went with a 240 GB reliable Kingston HyperX SSD to keep the system snappy. You could go 120 GB SSD + Hard Drive or just hard drive, as required.
- I chose the case you wanted (the 250D)
- I know the PSU is an overkill but you were saving $10 for the cheapest gold power supply that was 500W and was not even modular.
All in all, this should be well in the range of your budget and allows quite a bit of flexibility, even without the mail in rebates. The Pentium has excellent single core performance, just btw. Do not underestimate it. The 9790 is in the list just to make sure that it does a compatibility check for whether the GPU will fit in the case (or not), and therefore, it does.
I like this build. An intel build is the way to go with an ITX. I will use the i3. I am an AMD guy, but found limited choices on a AMD ITX build.
Thanks for the help.