Mice not working(Please Help)

Hello, my laptop usb is not dectecting mice at all, it happens with each usb on my laptop, the mice all work fine on my other computers and the usb ports can recognize anything else, I decided to come to the forums to ask for help, the drivers are all up to date, the laptop is an Hp Pavillion g6 running on windows 7. One day they just wouldn't work, anyone know what the problem might be and how to fix it, I am going to roll back the computer if there seems to be no other way.

I have seen this issue myself with my Razer naga and it was one of to issues (and was on a pavillion with win8) but the first thing I did was of course restart the machine which I will assume you've tried, but if not do so now. If that does not work then you could always check device manager to see if the device appears while not hooked up. Make sure all USB devices are unhooked and if any mouse other than the trackpad appears, try to eject/remove the device. If that doesn't work then try to uninstall and the re-install the drivers followed by a system roll back to the last working time to see if maybe an update messed up the device (do not roll back if the uninstall/re-install of the works, rollbacks are a last resort for me as they are sooooo painfully annoying and may or may not have adverse affects... effects? not sure the proper gramatical saying/spelling whatever). Best of luck!