[megotrice] Left 4 Dead Review


Left 4 Dead is a first person shooter, all about killing zombies, released by the well known developers at Valve, and powered by the mighty Source engine. The game is to be released November 18th, 2008, and I suggest you get your hands on this Zombie slaying action game

Game Play: 10/10

The Source engine is back, and it’s kicking ass on so many levels! I feel they nearly perfected the engine, and delivered game play, which I think was exactly what they we’re aiming for. The game features a system called the “Director” in which the music, zombie spawns, character communication, effects and much more is all controlled dynamically, which means you’ll never play the game twice, no matter how many times you play it over. This game plays a lot like Counter-Strike, even the crosshair is very similar, but it’s been polished with next gen graphics and power! In the game you take control of one of four survivors, and your buddies can join in too for the greatest online/offline co-op game ever, even if you don’t have friends the A.I. is fairly competent, and usually can hold their own, until you get up to the highest difficulty setting. You and the “Survivors” battle through hordes of zombies, in attempt to escape the infected city, and stop only to replenish health, ammo, and guns at “Safe Houses”, which is really only a room and a nice iron door, between you and your gruesome death. Basically, this is a re-mastered Counter-Strike Zombie Mod and then some. That last sentence was kind of vague, so I’m just going to straight up tell you, this game is freaking sweet.

Story Line: 8/10

The story is pretty much the basic “survive-the-zombie-infection” type game, but none the less, it works very well. The characters are very believable, and you almost feel like these other survivors are real people! Anyways, I’ve always been a fan of zombie games, which all have pretty much the same story line, and this game is great too, specially because of the game play, because there is no other zombie game like this. Over all, the story line is solid, but the focal point is really the game play.

Graphics: 9.5/10

The graphics in this game are great, but not as good as other games like Crysis or Far Cry 2. Like I said earlier, they kind of like a next gen counter-strike zombie mod! The zombies look really good, and so do the other character models, along with the textures and the maps. Really, this game is beautiful, and there isn’t much more to say.

Setting: 10/10

This games setting really takes the cake! They portrayed the Zombie infested city, excellently and without error at all. This place is a mess, blood every where, abandoned cars, and run down dirty buildings. All though the game isn’t very scary, as much as it is fun, the settings can get really creepy, and feel like they are right out of a horror movie. All in all, this game has a great setting, and they did exactly what they were trying to with it, by making you feel like the survivors of this horrible zombie infection. Good luck, living sucker!

This game also leaves me with the thoughts that a new Counter-Strike is very possible and I think it would be a very logical thing for Valve to do, just think about how much money it would make, and how sweet of a game it would be, after seeing how beautifully the Source engine preformed in Left 4 Dead. I think you all know now, how much ass this game kicks. So grab your shot guns, m16, snipers and Uzi’s and go kill some zombies. C’mon, you know you want to. GO BUY THIS GAME!!! (November 18th)

- Written by Ryan Martin, ZiikuTV

I'm gonna review this...

Also, [RtW] team is as of now:




(eb) Kunai *


edited out the link

if you REALLY want it posted you wont put the link and you will add all content


sry about earlier Blood and Rice, im not home atm, so im forced to play with my shityy faulty gefoce 7150.....with 20fps on low settings...sry bout friendly fire lol, anyways...Nice review, but no ADVERTIZING SITES ALOWED!

erm... i want to be apart of the team maybe! but you havn't accepted my friend request rice i dont think, and i want to try out with you guys! im not the best, only played it for a few min, but i have been playing css for a few years so at least im used to the source engine

im pretty sure we will have more than 1 RTW team :-)

lol good. as long as i get to at least try out for one.

Oh yeah, Rice, I played with Derek and Green today, without lagging

i laged lol, sumthing wrong with my connection now, i cant even connect to AIM, and TOTALLY off topic, i was talking to rice earlier, i found this....


Its about Franks vid lol, i told him about, he got over exited...i found it on 4chan, i was going to /wg/ for l4d wallpaper (any1 have sum?) and found this is the recent imaged, i was like LOLing for 5 mins....

lolololollol speaking about frank and 4chan..... lol nvm.

i might just have to purchase this game and make a piratebay clan and we can scrim? idk what you can do competitively in it.

Wow. 4 Chan people are slow as hell. Some one needs to kick their asses up to date. =P

Why would you name the thread this o_o

Hehe. I'm Kunai btw, Frank. Can't wait to play with you guys again, it's fun. :D

how is blood on the team lol hes vac banned o_o

He got 2 accounts.

Oh yeah, shit, I forgot

lol yupperz

HI 5