Anyone recommend some mechanical keyboards? I was looking for a das model s in mx brown, but they cost £120 on the 3 sites i've looked at. I'd like to point out I live in england, so any keyboards suggested should be easy to get here.
Keyboards preferably under £90, My parents will think im an idiot for spending so much on a keyboard, My dad still doesnt believe me that a gtx 670 is any more powerfull than his rubbish little gpu in his pc.
Also, anyone recommend any mice? Preferably for people with big hands who like to use the palm grip.
And: Can any keyboards *preferably* use mx brown switches, I type heavy on my crappy rubber dome keyboard, I hate to think what the noise would be like with an mx blue.
Thanks for any answers, and sorry for being picky!
It has what any other good keyboard should have, 5 additional keys, backlight, on-the-fly macro recording, lots of media buttons and a decent software, de-atachable wrist rest, and some stuff more that I don't remember.. It's pretty solid (I don't own it, my friend does).
I have it, I can attest to all of that. it's a little different than most keyboards in some ways, but funtion-wise, it's not that different from any other mech keyboard. the pads are super grippy, I end up unintentionally sliding in the keyboard tray on my desk sometimes. it uses a micro-usb connection for the cable, so you can detatch the cable from the keyboard. it's nice for me, cause I can take the keyboard off the tray without having to run the usb cable all the way around the desk. oh, and the cable is braided as weel.
the backlight is bright enough to clearly see the letters, but it's not so bright as to be also has a usb hub in it, and you can hook up a 5v external hard drive power adapter to it as well.
the software can be a little klutzy for long macros, but otherwise, it's pretty easy to use. zero problems with crashing, etc, unlike some others I know of (*cough* logitech)
Really? Because my blue switches are so loud people around me get annoyed when im gaming, I dont really notice it unless theres a guest over in the room beside me and im trying to be quiet lol.