I'm looking for a keyboard with mechanical switches which is under £100 and is similar to the Corsair K70 with wrist rest, backlighting, some media options and maybe rubberised wasd key caps. (I can always buy custom key caps I suppose)
I like Cherry MX Blue switches due to them looking like they will give me a little feedback but without having to be heavy handed. Red switches might be ok but I do type a lot so these might not be for me and double tapping is a rarity for me anyway.
Suggestions would be great but I am flexible because I've not used mechanical keyboards yet. (just this media keyboard from dell) Thanks
I recently got the Ducky Zero (Cherry MX Browns) and I've got to say it's a solid keyboard. The build quality is good and it has a windows key lock for gaming, N-Key rollover and volume keys. It is avalible in many different switch types. The one I got doesn't have a backlight though.
I bought them from CCL Online's eBay and it was posted quickly. Here's a link to the keyboard with blue switches - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ducky-DK2108-Zero-Mechanical-Keyboard-Blue-Cherry-Switch-/111232034499 with the £25ish left you can get a really high quality wrist rest as well. I could be biased because it's my first mechanical keyboard though. My typing speed has improved significantly.