I've been shopping around for mechanicals keyboards and I've noticed that there's a distinct lack of functionality on most keyboards. For some reason, there seems to be an obsession with "gaming" aesthetic or simplistic to the point of ridiculousness.
Can anyone point me in the direction of some mechanical keyboards that have dedicated media keys (i.e play/pause, next, back, volume) and look relatively professional, without the need for buying a separate numpad?
And before you say it, no, rebinding macro keys is not a suitable replacement.
I get around the problem of not having media keys by mapping play/pause, previous track, and next track in foobar to ctrl+alt+down, ctrl+alt+left, and ctrl+alt+right, respectively.
I use a Ducky Zero DK2108. Looks very professional with the keys it comes with. Solid build quality. It has volume keys and a calculator key above the numbpad.