I have been having a hard time gaming, because I will randomly drop connection. So I finally tried to fix it. I am having a hard time figuring it out. I pinged my router and every one out of like 10 pings has like 1000ms-2000ms ping time. I am using wifi with this card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833389021. I have installed thier drivers. My router is the default one from my isp. No else in my house seems to be having this issue.
Without knowing more about your setup my recommendation is to:
- Switch to a frequency thats either lower or less saturated by the other APs around you.
- Uninstall the driver, completely delete it and install a fresh copy.
- Actually check other devices in the house to make sure they are not having the same issue.
Are you familiar with linux at all? booting a live USB might reveal more information. Using airodump-ng might reveal more info about the signal strength or reveal that the issue doesnt exist in another OS. Even when windows shows it has full bars the SNR could be garbage or just not be getting the signal you think you are. Looks like its a Ralink chipset so it should work out of the box with most distros.
I have Linux installed to my second ssd. Let me try it real quick.
I don't really know much about this tool. Here is the output. It is some kind of error message:
atcop12@Gamezation:~$ sudo airodump-ng wlp2s5
ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) failed: Device or resource busy
ARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211,
ARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL or ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead. Make
sure RFMON is enabled: run 'airmon-ng start wlp2s5 <#>'
Sysfs injection support was not found either.
I did try the ping command again in Linux, and I got the same result.
I tried pinging from my moms laptop. And she is getting packet loss too.
oh yeah, forgot you have to start monitor mode first for airodump-ng to work, so it s airmon-ng start wlp2s5 then airodump-ng mon0 (mon0 might be something different but it will say in the airmon-ng output)
if you're getting loss from your moms comp too then theres something either up with the ISP's router they provided or some kind of signal issue.
I am going to have my mom call at&t on monday. So they can come out and replace the router.
It one of those shitty modem/router combos?
Those things are always known to have issues. You'd be better off disabling the 'router' part of the modem they gave you (so its just a mdoem), and stick with getting a better dedicated router.
See I would do that, but you can't disable it. I have tried. I even picked up a router from newegg that was free + shipping. I went to set it up, and realized that I can't disable the router part.
I would ask for just the modem from your isp, if comcast dont take their line of we dont have that... they do just keep at it
Or get a surfboard modem
So I should ask them just to hook up a modem, and let me do my own router. I might just ask them to move it closer to my desktop too, so I can just wire in to it.
I would just do it yourself as it will cost money for them to come out. just get the new modem from them and plug it in
My mom won't want me to do it, and she pays most of the bill, so I will just let them do it.
Well hey if she wants to waste money hahahaha
Do it
I believe it will usually cost a minimum of 50$ for a tech to come out.
You can buy a spool of 1000ft CAT6 for 55$.
Pick your favorite.
Not my choice. I only pay 1/4 of the bill, and it is in her name, and I won't pay for the service call.
Not if they are leasing the equipment. Which most people who have those are. It's likely they won't charge anything. Me personally, I lease the modem and pay an extra dollar a month as a "maintenance charge" if they come out it costs me nothing.
Wireshark's a thing kek, it seems to be packet loss, and it would show outgoing packets that failed. And here's the kicker, you can test it on both OS if you want.
It seems you already have a good solution but in the future, Wireshark is easier to use lol.
Wireshark only proves that there is packet loss, not why there is packet loss.
That can be determined with ping tests and a traceroute.