Matlab Point Cloud Manipolation Help

Hello everyone. So I’m working on image processing with Matlab and I’ve hit a big snag. I’ve been provided with some cloud points that I need to work on which have the z-axis inverted, so the lowest point comes naturally to be highest point and vice versa.
I’ve never worked with Matlab before and I don’t even know how to look for a solution. So I’m posting here in hope that someone can point me in the right direction on the matter. Thanks.

What is the structure of the point cloud data? Is it simply an N x 3 matrix? If it is, and the columns are in x,y z order, and you just want to reflect your current z-axis values around the origin, just do something like:

your_matrix_name(:, 3) = -1 * your_matrix_name(:, 3);

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Thanks a lot for the answer!