Hello :D
Straight to the point, we need someone or some group to make a 60 second video to raise awareness on net neutrality and the wrong doings of ISPs, such as throttling . We should then start a kick starter to fund getting this video to run as a super bowl commercial. Ideally the video would be to the point and concise for the tech un-savvy people out there, and possibly include famous/intelligent youtubers to star in the video, like Tek Syndicate, FreddieW, Linus, or anyone passionate about the internet.
It might even be beneficial for youtube, netflix, or google to help sponsor the video, as raising awareness can only help these businesses. With a name like Google backing it, people would realize this short commercial is something to take seriously and not just the ravings of some nerdy people on youtube interrupting their football extravaganza. The video could even have an extended version to run on youtubes main page(maybe).
I'm no good at this sort of thing and don't know how I could make this happen(dons tinfoil crown), but if someone could rally the internet to find some over the top way such as this to bring knowledge to unlearned and awareness to those who wallow in their own ignorant bliss, their technologically vapid minds bringing about their own bandwidth capped demise. Let them know that if they fail to act, the sovereignty of the powers at hand shall extend to all corners of the internet and raze their freedoms to the ground, pilfer their wallets with crass expenses in the name of service and quality while their infrastructure remains a derelict monument to the developmental stagnancy induced by corporate greed. Let it not be forgotten that this world is still ripe with those whose hearts still yearn for knowledge and progression, the kind of progression that can only arise from the unhindered availability of shared knowledge brought about from a free internet. The internet is being injured and manipulated by these sociopath entities claiming to convey your information, your hard work, your very lives. But the internet cannot be defeated, for the internet is YOU, the internet is what YOU create, what YOU share. As long as there are ideas in peoples minds and questions to be answered, there will always be a network, an internet, to share your creations and sate the inquisitive appetite of mankind.(removes tinfoil crown).
Anyway enough nonsense, just some thoughts I had. But please steal my idea and make people aware of what's going on. I really want a better internet :(