Massive Unbearable BF4 stuttering?

So, currently I have unbearable stuttering in Bf4, making the game unplayable, does anyone know of a few fixes for this that work?

I had this symptom a few days ago. Maybe these (very simple) steps that I also took will help:

  1. Explicitly check for updates to BF4 (mine was already up-to-date anyway)
  2. Ensured all Window's Update were downloaded and installed
  3. Restarted my machine (full restart, not sleep or hibernate) -- this actually then installed some updates (no idea which ones, as it didn't tell me)

Now there is no stuttering or rubber-banding. Works just fine.

I thought that this was an inherent problem with the game. Everyone experiences it from time to time. Alongside other things that make the game unplayable. e.g crap hit detection. It all becomes much more apparent following many hours of gameplay.

Alright thank you guys

I've also found that, for some ridiculous reason, I'll get lower FPS than I should be. But if I alt-tab a couple of times, my FPS gets up to where it should be where it's nice and buttery smooth.

BF4, despite my opinion that in terms of gameplay is an overall better than game than BF3, has all sorts of problems and there's a lot of luck involved.

or simply: if bf4 were only as buggy as bf3 it would be better :D

i also like bf4 more but my favorite will always be bf2 or bc2 for deathmatches :D