Mass effect Andromeda

Wow..... Looks like they've been having too many Doritos. O.o

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Yeah, the writers apparently tried to justify the Andromeda Initiative's colonisation project by contrasting it to the most stereotypical form of imperialism (the roman-ish "we'll make you one of us" kind), as a way to take the attention away from the obvious potential for a structure of colonialism to form as a result of a project like the Initiative.

I.e., the story is about foreign explorers/saviors stumbling upon and coming to the rescue of the stereotypically "helpless" natives, winning their battles for them, building up a larger society in lieu of theirs, etc.
In effect, what this usually does is depriving them of agency, the capability and oportunity to shape their own future the way they want to, without having to cater to outside influence. Doing things their own way instead of the foreigners' way. But, the player is the foreign savior, so things are going to be done your way or not at all.

Basically, the good old 19th century way of dealing with other nations.

The Andromeda initiative was purely just to get a seed culture of all of the races out of Dodge before the Reapers came the benefactor was the illusive man

Well, yes of course, that is explicitly stated in the game. That's not what i was talking about.

A late released GDC talk on Mass Effect 2

This slide already says so much about why Mass Effect Andromeda went wrong

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now with less derpy looking faces :smiley:

Neat. Glancing through the patch notes it seems the game might finally be ready for release.
Too bad I've uninstalled it and is not going back again because of the lack of replay value. Still a solid pick when on sale for those who want to play this kind of game.

I usually play through at least twice because of the good/bad paths you can take. But this one really didn't have many choices in how you went renegade/paragon. was a bit disappointed, even though i'm a huge fan.

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bad team behind a great opportunity

I just picked up ME:A since it was (is?) discounted and was wondering if there is any detailed performance guide with sample screenshots. Specifically, I'm looking for a guide that compares the performance impact of low/medium/high/ultra shadows and the performance impact of them, and not just a comparison of the available presets.

Also - the character editor is slightly annoying, I'm unable tp get anything decent looking...

No clue man

valid necromancy I think

If there was a ranking order of publishers screwing up franchises I would like to think EA are definitely in the top 3.


I do think that Denuvo is at fault for this original degenerate release and if there will not be any DLC's thats lame.

But I have only two pieces of information to back that claim, first being recent news about what its doing, and second being DA:I dev streams working flawlessly and then release had just weird problems from character age going max to getting major performance from enabling transparent shadow maps.

In other words what I'm trying to say is that they would be actually just patching Denuvo problems as its basically scrambler, shittyfluting the whole thing.

Nothing else would make much sense


Since it was on discount a few weeks ago I picked it up and I must confess that i like it. I mean sure, it has its quriks and the animations are weird sometimes. But in contrast to DA:I I don't get utterly bored when playing it. In fact I really enjoy it so far :slight_smile:

I am really bummed out it only has about 4 different things to shoot exact same enemy on every planet there's four different types of kett and like four different types of random animal
2 or 3 humans

It for a game with multiple planets completely lacks diversity in my opinion at least none of the tactics really change fighting one type of alien to a different type of alien

Honestly it feels like they all use the same artificial intelligence


I understand your point and it is perfectly valid, but it's not that big a deal for me. Interestingly enough, the vanilla trilogy did a way better job on enemy design, a Banshee for instance, was something to remember.

One thing I do like about ME:A is that it got its open world right. Doing all these sidemissions fits the theme, in contrast to other games. (DA:I was unfitting in that regard).

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dont get me wrong
yeah i like the gameplay
and the jetpack added needed movement

but it had zero mass effect zaz

How exactly would you define "mass effect zaz" - just out of curiosity?

For me it had a fitting soundtrack, something like a Normandy and crewmates. Sure, I prefered the old crew, but they had three games, not just one :smiley:

Also: Even though I prefer ME:1-3 and Witcher to ME:A I think ME:A is better than every single Assassin's Creed game (I get bored in those; I put them for comparison becuase open world and such...)

FInal note: I haven't finished ME:A yet, so no spoilers plz :wink: