Marking threads

I’ve noticed there is no way to mark threads you’ve posted in as read, while there is a button marking new messages/threads so they don’t show up in the ‘new threads’ list.

Or am I missing something? If not, can this option be added perhaps?



That’s for new threads, not threads that have a contribution. I can’t find it for sure.

No that’s on the Unread page, should have shotted that as well I guess.

Where exactly are you checking? For new threads it’s on the top, for Unread at the bottom.

To mark a thread as read, simply read it.

Yes, I know this is far short of ideal, but that’s all part of the vision, which is to say, not something we have control over.

Even Level1 Staff are victim to the confounding whims of the Discourse developers.

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Put this on my tombstone.

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Well yeah OK for single threads that is, but I thought this was about marking all as unread :smiley:

The “my posts” option. (i.e. the list of threads I’ve posted in in the past) Some of those are no longer of interest to me, but continue to show up as ‘unread’. I’d like to mark those as ‘read’ so they don’t stand out anymore.

The Invision and phpBB engines offer this functionality, perhaps the dev’s can be persuaded to add it here too?

Ah that explains it, I literally never use that list :confused:

If you want a feature added you can file a feature request on Discourse’ GitHub:

I don’t think L1 is doing any major features themselves.

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Have to do on a thread by thread basis, but this?


Looks promising. I’ll investigate tomorrow, it’s wayyy past bedtime here! So, no stories tonight :wink:

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